Sunday, April 14, 2013

A busy week

This week we tried to get out and see more things. Kirk went back to Budapest for two busy days of working with students. Here are some of my favorite photos (or Henry's, but he can't write very well since he isn't talking a lot yet).
Henry next to the 2-year-old prince (painting by Velázquez) in the Art History Museum.

At the Augarten Porcelain factory. Unfortunately, they didn't sell any of these nice dishes.

Henry's favorite thing: playing in the sand. We had some sunny days this week.

At the playground.

A panda bear without any crowds of people near it.

Henry screaming because I didn't let him climb into the panda bear's cage; he tried.

Vicuñas from South America; these are my favorite of the camelids in Chile.

A close-up of a sea lion.

Can you spot the baby?

The rain forest building with large bats near the top.

Children in the rain forest. Can you see the bats?

A woman with a pet bat in the rain forest building. I was jealous. I wanted a pet bat.

Henry and Lucy inside a small room in the Hohensalzburg castle in Salzburg.

Playing inside the castle walls. It was a very neat castle—a "real" castle.

Henry found the digger that was hidden from the tourists.

The Sound of Music steps in Salzburg. No, we weren't singing anything. We were hurrying to get back to our train.


  1. What great sights! I love the photos of Henry and Lucy with their look alike prince and princesses.

  2. It's been so fun to see what your family is up to! We sure miss you and send our best!
